Under Advanced Search choose the classification of Fashion, Costume and Jewelry to browse high-quality images from a number of major collections including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, RISD, and the Fine Arts Museum in Boston.
Includes documentaries on a wide range of topics across the fashion, retail and clothing industries including the Designer Marathon series that looks at the careers of the top designers from the last three decades.
Contains ephemeral and archival collections from the Institute and its Irene Lewisohn Costume Institute Library, with subsets highlighting fashion plates, sketches, and exhibition binders.
Search the library catalog of the Getty Research Institute, which includes their Digital Collections. If you find a book or article in their catalog that you'd like to use, check Find It @ USC Libraries or ask a librarian how to get access through our library.
Podcast series covers innovation in how we eat, drink, shop, groom and think. From the key issues impacting society to trends in food, beauty, tech and retail, we’re discussing what consumers want and why.
Primary Sources in Retail and Fashion
Search for art and fashion publications going back centuries for historical primary sources.
Contains magazine articles from the 18th and 19th century including a number of women's magazines such as Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's Bazaar which covered the fashions of the time.