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SCHC 324: Inside Nazi Germany (Dr. Lekan)

Finding Background Information

Use these sources to gain familiarity with your topic, narrow your research question, provide context, and identify experts.

Understanding Primary and Secondary Sources

Primary sources = Evidence

  • Created during the time period or event you are studying, or produced by a participant (even if after the fact)
  • Primary sources are defined by how they are used (i.e. as evidence for interpretation of the past) rather than by what they are (i.e. format or type of material)

Secondary sources = Analysis and interpretation

  • Written by historians, scholars, and other researchers
  • Secondary sources are based on the analysis and interpretation of primary evidence and other sources

Search Tips & Strategies: Constructing Your Search

AND AND narrows your search by telling Find It @ USC, article databases, or other library resources that ALL keywords must be found in a source in order for it appear in your results

OR broadens your search by telling Find It @ USC, article databases, or other library resources that ANY keywords much be found in a source in order for it to appear in your results. 

This is a great option for searching synonyms or related terms.  If you type in women OR females, results will have either term but not necessarily both.


This is a truncation symbol that will broaden your search by including various word endings.

     female*  will search for female as well as females

     portray* will search for portray, portrays, as well as portrayal



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