Items held in paper format only (not available electronically) by Thomas Cooper Library, the Music Library, and the Library Annex are available through this service. Items held by the South Caroliniana Library are not available through Scan and Deliver. In most cases, we do not offer scans of print items that are also held electronically. We will scan and deliver journal articles and book chapters. Items held in microfiche or microfilm format may be scanned if time allows.
Access to this service is available to USC Columbia staff members, USC Columbia graduate students, and USC-Columbia undergraduate students.
There is a limit of 50 pages for all article requests.
Only one article or chapter may be submitted per request.
Visit our copyright page for more information.
Average turnaround time for requests is two working days. If - after two business days - you have not received your article, or you need to have an item re-sent, please contact the Document Delivery Supervisor.
All Scan and Deliver articles are delivered directly to your desktop through ILL Express!. Articles are delivered in PDF format and can be read with Adobe's Acrobat Reader, available at no cost from Adobe. You may also download the files and view them using Adobe Acrobat.
Articles are available through your ILL Express! account and are accessible for 30 days. If you mistakenly delete an article during that time, please contact the Document Delivery Supervisor to have it reinstated.
If the item that you are requesting from is checked out to you or in your possession, we will be unable to provide scans from the item. If we are unable to locate the item, your request will take longer to complete.
To make scans of items already in your possession, scanners are available for your use free of charge in the Cooper Technology Lab located on Level 5. Photocopiers are available on the Main Floor and in Government Information on Level 5 for $.10 a page.
Users not afilliated with the University of South Carolina can place requests for articles and chapters from our annex. Log on by selecting the Community Borrowers link using:
Username: annex
Password: annex
Your article may be retrieved by logging on with the Community Borrowers link again after approximately two days.