This link is for Richland Library [public library for Richland County, SC]. First time users, after logging in with Richland Library, you will "Sign in" and create account for Transparent.
This search finds books in our collections and in academic libraries all over the state that you can request to have delivered.
Find the language you want by adding it to the search or using the Subject or Language filters.
Find sources that show content side by side in more than one language. Use the language filter for a specific language(s).
Books in other languages
Book titles in other languages indicate that the whole book is in that language.
Is there a topic that interests you? Search for it, then use the Language filter
Try searching with words in other languages
Looking for shorter readings? Open the search forstories and use the Language filter.
Browse by call number (physically or online). You can go down to the shelves, but you'll miss things in the Library Annex. Click on these searches, page through the results and remember the tip about the title of the book representing the language of the book.