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Box 2. Includes speech on Education Finance Act of 1977 (1979), speech on federal education budget cuts (1982), South Carolina Education Association report on “rankings and statistics relevant to South Carolina schools” (1970), and speech on improving South Carolina’s public education (January 8, 1971).
Box 6. Includes constituent letters expressing support for Riley-Sanders amendment to increase teacher pay (April 1971), documents and letters related to establishment of school nurses and healthcare services (1978), South Carolina Education Finance Act of 1977 Summary Fact Sheet (1977), and constituent letters regarding proposed abolition of Advanced Academic Placement courses (1992).
Box 1. Contains Report of The Public School Curricula Committee (January 1958), constituent letters regarding aid to children diagnosed with aphasia (1962), constituents letters regarding anti-communism teaching (1962, 1963), letters regarding Conference on Cold War Education (May-June 1963), letters regarding a compulsory education law (1966), and various constituent letters regarding teacher pay and retirement benefits (1962-1966).
Box 2. Letters regarding legislative act to create state education commission (1967), documents regarding education conference in Myrtle Beach (April 1967), proposal and related report to expand educational television, and various constituent responses, documents, and letters related to home schooling, curricula, and state aid to private schools (1967-9).
Box 3. Constituent letters regarding lack of teacher salary increases (late 1960s-1970), letters regarding remedial program implementation in Greenville (1967), and various documents from Superintendent Cyril Busbee (1967-8).
Box 4. Speech on SC Governor's School of Academic Scholars (July 5, 1988), and a speech at the dedication of Cities in Schools Program (September 21, 1988).
Box 5. Speech at A.C. Moore Elementary on World-Wise Schools Program (May 14, 1990), speech at Governor’s School (July 26, 1990), speech at Aiken Elementary School (September 11, 1990), remarks on Schools First Program, Charleston (September 13, 1990).
Box 8. Speech at Governor’s School for Science and Math, banquet (April 1, 1993)
Southern Bell Lecture in Education (May 18, 1993).
Box 11. “Governors and the National Education Goals,” paper by Gov. Campbell (1994), documents related to National Education Goals Panel (1991-1992)
Documents related to National Council on Education Standards and Testing (1991-1992).
Box 12. Reports on progress toward National Education Goals summit (1991 and 1992), and National Education Goals Reports and related documents.
Box 13. Documents related to President's Education Summit with Governors (1989), and documents related to National Governor's Association and education (1987-1992).
Box 19 (clippings). News regarding Campbell, President Clinton, and education reforms (1987-94), and new clippings regarding South Carolina drop-out rates (1987-1990).
Box 20. News clippings regarding South Carolina education (1987-1994), and news clippings regarding Education Task Force Summit (1989-1991).
Box 21. News clippings regarding South Carolina's Governor's Schools (1987-1994).
Box 24. News clippings regarding Safe Schools Act of 1990 (1990), sex education in South Carolina (1987-1993), the bill to allow searches at public schools (1990-1994), the School-to-Work Transition Act of 1994, and Rural Education Alliance for Collaborative Humanities (1987).
Box 9. Report on Organization and Role of the State Department of Education (1961).
Box 14. Constituent letters regarding teacher pay and desegregation of schools (1958-59), and statistical summaries of all public schools, as well as many reports (1958)
Box 15. Reports on Charleston district 20 African-American schools (1959), and National Governors’ Conference speeches on education (1961).
Box 2. General gubernatorial correspondence related to education (1963-65).
Box 11. Documents related to gubernatorial appoints to School for Deaf and Blind (1966-70), appointments to John da la Howe School Board of Trustees (1967-70), Committee to Study and Develop Plans for the Incorporation of Kindergartners (1967-68), Committee to Study Public Education in South Carolina (1965-70), Committee to Study Problem of School bus transportation (1963), South Carolina School Committee (1963), State Board of Interagency Council (1965), Southern Regional Education Board, Board of Control (1963-1971), and South Carolina Education Commission appointments document (1968-70).
Box 36. Committee on Assessing Progress of Education documents (1967-68), School for the Deaf and Blind documents (1965-1970), and Education Commission of the States documents (1966-71).
Box 37. National Assessment of Educational Progress (1969), Education Commission of the States, meeting materials and correspondence (1967-68), Correspondence related to Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965), documents related to Ford Foundation Grants (1968-69), and documents related to Head Start (1967-68).
Box 47. Documents related to Governor’s conference on education (1966-8).
Box 60. Budget Control Board documents related to Advisory Committee to Administer Higher Education Act (1965).
Box 63. Gubernatorial documents related to state Department of Education (1963-1967)
Box 64. Financial records of Department of Education (1966-67), various gubernatorial documents and letters related to Department (1968-1970), various gubernatorial documents and letters related to SC Education Association (1965-1970), documents related to Educational Finance Commission (1965, 1966), documents related to SC Association of School Board (1965-1970), South Carolina Schoolbook Commission (1965) records, and documents related to SC State Board of Education (1965-1970).
Box 107 (clippings). News regarding opening of state library in Columbia (1970), general state education (1963, 1970), and cuts in federal funding for education (1970).
Box 1. Documents related to Stay in School campaign (1964) and the Governor’s Committee to Study the State Education System (1963).
Box 2. General letters and correspondence on education in while in US Senate (1965-66), letters on libraries, STEP Program (1965-66), and Head Start (1965-66).
Box 6. Documents related to federal act pertaining to libraries (1966), general US Senate correspondence regarding education (1965-66), and correspondence regarding Impact Area Fund reductions (1966).
Box 7. Documents related to overseas teacher salaries (1965, 1966) and prayer in public schools (1965, 1966).
Box 8. US Senate correspondence regarding exemptions from federal income tax for private schools (1966).
Box 16. Public School Curricula Committee documents (1958).
Box 1. Documents related to school expenditures, including free textbooks (1954).
Box 26. US Senate correspondence on federal aid to schools (1951).
Box 53. US Senate correspondence and documents regarding federal aid to schools (1956).
Box 76. Documents related to National Defense Education Act (1960).