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Statistics and analysis of consumer products industries and service industries like travel and sports. Also covers consumer lifestyles as well as analysis of the economy, infrastructure, and business environment in over 200 countries.
Provides country risk; industry analysis and forecasts; and company information. Get detailed information on a country along with reports and data on industries and the economy. Provides profiles of leading companies within the industry.
Search journals in the health and life sciences, social sciences, engineering, and humanities titles. Only those journals to which USC Columbia subscribes are available full text.
Indexes thousands of the most prestigious, high impact research journals in the world. Also has cited reference searching and ways to refine and analyze your search results.
A digital collection of business cases on in-demand subjects such as entrepreneurship, accounting, healthcare management, leadership, social enterprise, and more.
Access to global news and business information including the Wall Street Journal, as well as local newspapers, same-day newswires, company reports, and media programs. Not all content is available.
Includes full-text biographical information on more than one million people from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas.
The Economist is the database - Biography Gale in Context