Information on searching Bloomberg by:
Other Bloomberg modules to examine for deal information include:
EVT--Company Events: MA Others includes transcripts of calls that may have the latest updates deals
RESEARCH: Gives analysis, such as further thoughts on the deal from analysts
After logging into Bloomberg, start by typing one of the following functions in the command line at the top of the screen.
MA <GO> Mergers & Acquisitions module
MARB <GO> M&A Arbitrage (Merger Arbitrage Differential) module
NI MNA <GO> Scrolling News: Mergers & Acquisitions
NI MNARLS <GO> Scrolling News: Merger, Buyout Announcements
MADL <GO> Merger & Acquisition Deal List
MNAN <GO> Mergers & Acquisitions News
The MA module will default to an overview screen like the one below if you have not already selected a company. Note that you can change the date range and the region to get a different deal synopsis.