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Robert Burns & 18th Century Scotland

A rapid reference guide to online and selected other sources about Robert Burns

On-line periodicals

Some important periodicals (such as Scottish Literary Review ) require subscriptions for online access, but the ones below are currently free:

Some Robert Burns Web-sites

This section covers general-interest sites, and some Burns research projects, but see also the links for organizations and Burns museums:

Some Burns Museums & Research Collections

Other major library-based research collections include the Mitchell Library in Glasgow, the National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh, and the G. Ross Roy Collection at the University of South Carolina.

Some University Programs in Scottish Studies

The list here gives links to a number of prominent centres for Scottish literary studies, but note that it is by no means comprehensive;  all the major Scottish universities, and many other universities around the world, offer teaching and research supervision in Scottish Literature.

Burns's Birthplace

The cottage in Alloway, near Ayr, built by Robert Burns's father William Burnes, where Burns was born, January 25, 1759.

Some Burns Organizations and Scholarly Societies

Most Burns organizations are not solely for academic study, though membership will include many individuals with great in-depth knowledge of Burns's works and life.