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CYBR 392: Cyber Society and Ethics

Available Course Readings

Identifying Keywords

Keywords are the main ideas or concepts of a paper.

For example, if the research question is "What are the privacy and security issues associated with chatbots?", some possible keywords would be privacy, security, and chatbots. You can also use words that would be synonyms such as confidentiality, safety, concerns, problems, surveillance, or virtual assistant. You can then combine these keywords with boolean operators (and, or, not) to search within the databases.

  • AND is used to narrow a search by looking at only where both ideas are present.
  • OR expands a search to include any of the ideas (usually used with synonyms.)
  • NOT is used to narrow a search by excluding an idea from the search.

Sample search (copy & paste into search bar):

(privacy OR security OR safety OR confidentiality) AND (issues OR problems OR concerns) AND (chatbots OR "virtual assistant")


Visual example of Boolean operators