In evidence-based practice, PICOT is a model used to write research questions. PICOT is an acronym for ...
P: Population/Problem/Patient
I: Intervention
C: Comparison variable
O: Outcomes
T: Time
From your research question, identify the main concepts. Brainstorm alternate keywords. There are three commonly used connectors: AND, OR, NOT.
In children, can a music intervention reduce pain within 24 hours postoperatively?
P (population or patient): children
I (intervention): music
C (control variable): no music
O (outcome): reduced pain
T (time): within 24 hours following surgery
Building the search:
Connector | Example | Results |
AND | children AND music AND pain AND postoperative | Results contain all the terms |
OR | children OR adolescents | Results will contain either term |
NOT | children NOT infants | Results will eliminate a term |
Use these sources to gain familiarity with your topic, narrow your research question, provide context, and identify experts.