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Digital Scholarship

Find tools and tutorials for all of your digital scholarship projects.

Digital Scholarship

“Digital scholarship is the use of digital evidence and method, digital authoring, digital publishing, digital curation and preservation, and digital use and reuse of scholarship.” (Abby Rumsey, 2011)

Digital cogs

Image by ar130405 from Pixabay 

Broadly, digital scholarship refers to the use of digital tools in the creation and expression of scholarly research. Use this guide to discover techniques and practical tools for participating in digital scholarship and to learn more about the services that the library offers to help you in your digital scholarship projects. 

How Can the Library Help?

The library offers free web hosting for digital projects for faculty, staff, and graduate students through USC Create Digital.

We can help you plan your project and to discover, select, and use digital tools through consultations for digital scholarship projects.

The library additionally partners with the Humanities Collaborative on Digital Humanities. Learn more and get involved from the Digital Humanities Working Group

Examples of Digital Scholarship